Why I Always Have Two Jobs

Since I’ve been able to work, I’ve worked multiple jobs. During summers growing up, I worked in the businesses started by my grandparents in Mobile, AL and passed down to my father and his siblings. You could find me doing everything from working the register at their BP gas station to preparing sandwiches in my father’s Subway. When I went to college, despite having a full ride academic scholarship at Howard University, I took full advantage of work study opportunities — working “security” in the evenings at the School of Business and working in the afternoons as a part-time instructor at MS², Howard’s on campus Middle School for Math and Science. Even as I worked my first full time job at Google, I moonlighted as a fashion model, signed to the now defunct, San Francisco based, City Model Management, and doing runway shows and local advertisements on the evenings and weekends to bring in an extra thousand dollars per month. Fear of being stuck in a generational cycle of debt and financial insecurity or not having enough money to pursue my dreams has always been a driving force in my life and decisions.

When I was a little girl, I saw my mother work long hours to start her own business — an insurance agency that she’s now run for nearly 25 years. In the early days of her business, I saw her cry when she didn’t have enough money to pay herself, or when she couldn’t afford to enroll me in dance lessons because money was low. I saw her wrestle with the racism and prejudice she faced from customers and as new books of business were doled out — where she seemingly always got the scraps. In my teenage years, her business became more stable and prosperous as she grew her base of loyal customers and became a leader in the community. However, at that same time I witnessed my father’s family businesses get squeezed out by large oil companies that had instituted discriminatory pricing, which did not leave room for a profit at the handful of gas stations our family owned. I saw the heartbreak my father endured as he lacked the resources he needed to fight to keep them alive.

Entrepreneur in training — suited and ready for work with my mommy!

Entrepreneur in training — suited and ready for work with my mommy!

My biggest takeaway from watching the entrepreneurial journeys of both my parents was that in order to achieve any level of success I would have to work harder and sacrifice more than most. I learned that there would be many things I cannot control in life and business — but the one thing I can always control is what I put into achieving any goal. I learned that racism would play a role in my journey, but I must never let it knock me off my path. I also realized that because of the turbulence of their entrepreneurial paths, my parents were not in a position to help me financially as I transitioned into adulthood. I decided that I should put myself in a position to help them, my family and community, instead.

When I came up with the idea for my startup Partpic in December 2012, I’d already started saving money to go back to school to get my MBA. I knew I wanted to minimize the amount of debt I needed to take on to do so. I distinctly remember being inspired by Elliott Robinson who spoke to my Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) MBA Prep cohort and described how he worked full time as a VC at Syncom while getting his MBA at Columbia. I spoke with my coach about the feasibility of doing something similar, because I couldn’t fathom going two years without a salary while also taking on debt. As my coaching calls continued, the conversations shifted from planning my responses to essay questions, to me telling my coach the details of Partpic. With her blessing and nudge that I could always pursue business school at a later time if things didn’t work out with my idea, I decided to re-purpose the money I’d saved for business school to launch Partpic.

As I started Partpic and began to use the money I’d saved to cover my bills and to pay early contractors who I’d brought on to build the first prototypes of Partpic, I quickly realized that the distance between where I was with the technology and where I’d need to be in order to begin generating enough revenue to sustain was more than I’d saved up. So I reverted back to what I’ve always known I can do — work more. I collaborated with my mentor, Chris Genteel, on a plan for me to return to Google in the capacity of Entrepreneur in Residence. Chris led Google’s business inclusion efforts and saw an opportunity for me to rejoin with the specific goal of teaching other underrepresented small business owners how to use Google products in their businesses by hosting workshops and speaking at various conferences around the country. This role gave me the ability to earn a paycheck and continue working on Partpic. The money I earned went to pay contractors for early development work. It also allowed me to buy my first home, which I later used as collateral when I took out a loan to float Partpic when the negotiations with Amazon took longer than expected and as we were boxed out of raising additional financing. Lastly, my stock units that had vested over the nearly 3 years I worked at Google while building Partpic, gave me a last resort option when I needed one more month of runway to pay my team of 14 people. I was able to cash in my stock and pay my team to ensure we never missed a payday. The money I raised for Partpic ($2.1M) was not enough to get the business to the finish line and most investors did not have enough conviction in me/the business to reinvest when they had the opportunity. I had enough conviction to cover that gap, and had faith that my hard work would pay off. It did, and we signed the deal to sell Partpic to Amazon on October 31, 2016. Betting on myself has yielded me an incredible return on my investment in the business. We will never know how much more some investors could have yielded had their decisions not been clouded by bias.

Although I was able to make a life-changing amount of money through the sale of Partpic, I’ve always viewed this as a foundation of generational wealth for my family — not as a personal victory. Where my parents were not able to assist me financially, I have positioned myself so that my younger siblings and future children will not have to struggle financially. While at Amazon, I began to think deeply about what I wanted to do next. I had a persistent desire to right a wrong I saw in my own journey. I knew that many investors had not given me a fair shot because of my identity as a Black woman building in the south and I wanted to ensure that other Black entrepreneurs didn’t experience the same obstacles. I began angel investing in 2017 in companies with checks ranging from $10–60K and I realized that given the high risk nature of startups and the long return cycles, I’d run out of personal capital to invest and would need to find ways to scale my approach. As I was approaching three years at Amazon (the required number of years for me to vest the deal stock from the sale of Partpic), though incredibly tempted to take a break and reflect on what had happened in the 7 years prior, I decided that I would need to continue to work to fulfill the purpose that had been nagging at me. I joined forces with my friends and fellow entrepreneurs Justin Dawkins and Barry Givens, and threw my attention to the establishment of our fund, Collab Capital — to invest in more Black entrepreneurs and do it in a way that better aligns the interests of those entrepreneurs to us as investors.

As I learned more about the development of a fund, I realized it would require a substantial financial investment (in the neighborhood of $1.5M from the GP) to establish it. For one, most institutional investors require a track record of investments. I’d invested about $300,000 of personal capital into startups to support founders I believed in and to learn more about investing. However, in early Limited Partner (LP) discussions, I realized that for some this did not meet their threshold for track record given the dollar amounts invested and relative newness of the companies. Given Collab Capital’s unique profit-share model, legal costs for new documents meant substantial upfront investment. Additionally, the traditional fund structure of a 2 and 20 model means that as fund managers we can draw 2% management fees when the fund is raised to run the fund and bank on receiving the majority of our compensation as carry in the fund after we’ve returned initial investments to our LPs. However, in order to establish and raise the fund — which can take up to two years on average — we’d have to self fund the operation.

As I was thinking through these realities, I learned of a new role at Google to lead Google for Startups in the US. I decided to interview for the role because I knew that in every way possible my 30s would be dedicated to righting the wrongs I experienced as a startup founder in my 20s. I saw the opportunity to lead at Google as a chance to increase my capacity to level the playing field for underrepresented startup founders and help steer Google’s work in this area. Because I’d done it before while building Partpic, I knew that I could take on the responsibility of a role at Google while also leading the establishment of and fundraising at Collab Capital. I also knew that taking on the job would help alleviate some of the financial burden of establishing Collab Capital completely out of the nest egg I established via Partpic. Lastly, I knew that in the same ways people doubted my ability to lead Partpic and work at Google, that they would also question my decision to lead Collab Capital and work as Head of Google for Startups, US.

As our country faces the most captivating racial reckoning of our lifetime, I am challenging everyone to think differently about the rules and systems they covet and who those rules and systems are keeping from opportunity. I offer the following questions for consideration to LPs who have disqualified Collab Capital because I hold multiple positions as we establish the fund and anyone else who looks down on emerging fund managers who find creative ways to break into the industry:

  1. Without family support and/or generational wealth, how would one be able to bear the costs of establishing a new fund?

  2. Is holding multiple positions only acceptable for rich, powerful white men like Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, each of whom own/run multiple large corporations simultaneously?

  3. What does meritocracy mean to you? Can its promise be achieved if only wealthy people have an opportunity to succeed?

Thank you for considering these thoughts and questions. I welcome dialogue about what we can do as a collective to ensure future generations of Black people and people from other historically disadvantaged groups do not have to work twice as hard to simply have a chance at building generational wealth and participating fully in the innovation economy.

Who is the Serena Williams of Tech?

I saw this question on Twitter yesterday.

Many of the replies to the question were disappointing to me, so I decided to write my own answer. Below are my thoughts on the people who could potentially be the next Serena Williams or Michael Jordan of the tech industry.

Before I share my list, let’s get clear on definitions. Serena Williams and Michael Jordan are both:

1) game changers in their respective fields (incredibly talented)

2) wildly popular and recognizable

3) supported by individuals/teams around them who are personally invested in their success

4) monetarily rich

Their presence and success inspires millions of young people to strive for greatness. There is no doubt we need people to achieve comparable levels of success in the field of technology. It’s been well documented that the earning potential over a career for a technologist is higher than that of an NBA player. Additionally, there are obviously far more open roles to fill in the tech industry than in professional athletics or entertainment.

Of course, there are additional factors other than role models (education, access to capital, overcoming systemic barriers, etc.) that have to be addressed in order for more young people of color to enter and succeed in the tech space. However, of all the issues, I’d argue supporting those of us who are already on the road to greatness in tech is the lowest hanging fruit action we can take. It can immediately address the notion that more young people don’t pursue careers in tech because they don’t see people who look like them winning in this industry. I am suggesting that the people on this list have the potential to meet each of these criteria above. We can help them with 2 and 3. Number 4 is a bi-product of 1, 2, and 3, and from there these founders will hopefully reinvest their riches into our communities and into other founders. By the way, although I focused this post on [black] founders, I don’t believe founders are the only potential role models, so I encourage you to promote the stories of the people who are killing it in the industry under other disciplines as well.

These people have what it takes. Many of them have already crossed the hardest obstacles (building a product, hiring and retaining a great team, acquiring customers, raising money) and probably don’t actually need much from us. Some of the folks I’m listing are newer to the tech industry, but have game changing ideas and need us to support them now. When I say support, I mean take small actions to help them without expecting something in return — not take advantage of them because they are new to this (another post for another day). In all cases, it really takes little effort to encourage these people and acknowledge their work, and that is the least we can do.

“Could” be the Michael/Serena of tech can change to “Will” and “Are” if those of us with influence and money will rally around these folks and help them reach the next level. I can tell you from experience that there were powerful, highly visible individuals who could have single handedly changed the trajectory of my business, but for whatever reason they decided I/my company were not worth the risk (again, another post for another day). I am telling you the people below are worth the risk. I am quite certain I’ve left important people out and I am happy to edit this article to include them. The people I’ve included were top of mind because their brilliance, resilience, and drive has inspired me personally during my journey as a founder. If nothing else, I want these people to know that I see them and I need for those of you reading this to see them too.

Rodney Williams — Rodney is the Founder of Lisnr. He created a communication protocol that sends data over audio that brands and companies are using to get information to their customers. He’s raised millions of dollars and has secured big contracts with many Fortune 500 companies. He also has an undeniable cool factor that makes him relatable to young people. You can read more about Rodney and Lisnr here.

How can you help?: Read and share Rodney’s Forbes contributor posts. They’re awesome.

Jessica Matthews— Jessica is the Founder of Uncharted Play. She invented a way to create energy from toys like soccer balls and jump ropes. She’s also raised millions of dollars, has 15 patents and is generating tons of revenue. I was impressed by Jessica’s story before I met her, but it was her “tell it like it is” attitude that really made me pay attention. We need more fearless voices like Jessica’s. You can read more about Jessica and Uncharted Play here.

How can you help?: Jessica’s journey is super inspiring. Help make her famous by sharing her story.

Brian Brackeen — Brian is the Founder of Kairos. He’s built a computer vision company that specializes in facial recognition. Given my experience in building a computer vision company, I can tell you Brian and his team have overcome enormous technical feats to achieve accuracy results that rival Google and Facebook. Brian has raised millions of dollars and is generating millions in revenue. He is also a vocal advocate for the growing tech scene in Miami. You can read more about Brian and Kairos here.

How can you help?: Brian is raising a round of funding right now. His business is doing extremely well, so if you can invest — you might want to get in now. If you’re not an investor, you can help Brian hire great people by sharing the open roles on his careers page. Lastly, you can try out his tech and learn more about your own diversity at kairos.com/you.

Diishan Imira — Diishan is the Founder of Mayvenn. I don’t personally know Diishan as well as some of the other folks I’ve listed, but I have still been inspired by his story and success thus far. Diishan has used his unique background to create a lucrative marketplace for high quality extensions. Additionally the number of young black entrepreneurs he is activating from his platform is incredibly exciting. You can read more about Diishan here.

How can you help?: Encourage hairstylists or potential distributors to sign up with Mayvenn here.

Frederick Hutson — Frederick is the Founder of Pigeonly. Pigeonly has a suite of products that help prison inmates and their families communicate with each other. Frederick has also raised millions and generated millions in revenue, but more importantly he is serving communities that are often forgotten and passed by. You can read more about Frederick and Pigeonly here.

How can you help?: Pigeonly is hiring a junior front-end developer and back-end python developer. Please apply.

Zim Ugochukwu — Zim is the Founder of TravelNoire. TravelNoire is helping people from all backgrounds experience new adventures and build relationships along the way. Zim’s energetic personality and inspiring messages have drawn people to her company and encouraged them to sign up in droves for TN Experiences. You can read more about Zim and TravelNoire here.

How can you help?: Sign up for Compass and TN Experiences to experience the magic of TravelNoire.

Emeka Anen — Emeka is the Founder of Throne. Throne is currently the #1 streetwear and sneaker app in the appstore, but more recently has expanded its offering to be a platform that helps people turn their passions into profits. I met Emeka through MLT when we were both contemplating pursuing our startup ideas or going to business school. We both decided to go after our startups and I think we both made the right choice. Emeka has been sharing some important gems recently, which also inspired me to take the time to do this post. You can read more about Emeka and Throne here.

How can you help?: Download Throne and join Emeka and team at Throne Day on May 13th in LA.

Candace Mitchell — Candace is the Co-Founder/CEO of Techturized Inc. Their consumer brand Myavana is helping women discover the right products for their hair and building a healthy hair community in the process. When I think about the word resilient, Candace is one of the first people who comes to mind. She has been building and growing Myavana for 5 years now and is showing no signs of slowing down. You can read more about Candace and Myavana here.

How can you help?: Sign up for Myavana’s hair analysis here.

Jerry Nemorin — Jerry is the founder of LendStreet. Lendstreet is on a mission to help people get out of debt, rebuild their credit and get a fresh start. Last year, LendStreet announced it had raised a $28 million facility to fund loans on its site. That’s a huge deal, and has since helped thousands of hardworking people get back on the right track with their finances. You can read more about Jerry and Lendstreet here.

How can you help?: Jerry is looking for talented people to join his team. He’s particularly interested in people with branding and marketing backgrounds and experience building a financial brand, storytelling, and dealing with complex social problems. Apply here.

Ofo Ezeugwu — Ofo is the Founder of WYL. He started his company in college to help fellow students at Temple University, and has since grown it to serve the wider populations of DC, NYC, and Philly by helping renters learn more about their landlords before signing leases. Ofo has a magnetic personality that will resonate with young people who are interested in starting businesses in high school or college. You can read more about Ofo here.

How can you help?: Post a review of your landlord or property manager on wylandlord.com and share the site with your friends and family.

Jasmine Crowe — Jasmine is the founder of Goodr. Goodr was created to rescue food that would otherwise be wasted, and facilitate delivery to hungry people. Of all the companies I’ve seen recently, I am most excited about Jasmine’s right now. I think she has the capacity and vision to make a huge impact, and make a lot of money while doing it. Within just a few months of launching at Goodie Nation Demo Day, she’s already saved tens of thousands of pounds of food, and secured contracts with heavy hitters like Turner Broadcasting. You can read more about Jasmine and Goodr here.

How can you help?: Goodr just launched a Kickstarter campaign. Contribute to it.

I picked these 11 people because I wanted to get this post out quickly, but if I had more time I’d also write about the people on the list below who I am watching as well and whose moves inspire me. I encourage you to click on the links to their companies, and see if there are ways you can help them. You can help by doing something as small as retweeting an article you see about them, or as impactful as helping them make a key hire, or introducing them to a pivotal client/partner, or even writing a check to help them grow their business. By the way, these folks are listed in no particular order, I just wrote the names and companies that came to mind. I don’t know everyone who is making moves out there, so I know I left people out (charge it to my head, not my heart). I want to see all y’all win. Keep pushing!

Tiffani Ashley Bell — The Human Utility

Morgan DeBaun — Blavity

Debra Shigley — Colour

Dawn Dickson — Solutions Vending and Flat Out of Heels

Porter Braswell — Jopwell

Stephanie Lampkin — Blendoor

Ama Marfo — Airfordable

Kaya Thomas — We Read Too

Isa Watson — Envested

Natasia Malaihollo — Wyzzer

Chris Bennett — Soldsie

Sarah Kunst — ProDay

Brit Fitzpatrick — MentorMe

Christopher Gray — Scholly

Riana Lynn — Foodtrace

Sheena Allen — Sheena Allen Apps

Maci Peterson — On Second Thought

Angel Rich — WealthyLife

Kellee James — Mercaris

Lisa Dyson, Phd— Kiverdi

Kelechi Anyadiegwu — Zuvaa

Kiah Williams — Sirium

Tanisha Robinson — Print Syndicate

Dayveon Ross — Shot Tracker

Camille Hearst — Kit

Nicole SanchezECreditHero

Tracey Pickett — Eboticons

Chrissa MacFarlane — Patientory

Benjamin Young — Sworkit

Matthew Burnett — Maker’s Row

Joah Spearman — Localeur

Aniyia Williams — Tinsel

Harold Hughes — Bandwagon

Courtney Caldwell — Shearshare

Tommy SaundersFewDM

Jenifer Daniels — ColorStock

Sterling Smith — Keystoke

Angelica NwanduThe Shade Room

Big thanks to Kimberly Bryant for raising the question on Twitter and for continuing to inspire us all through your work. Also, shout out to Arlan Hamilton who within a year has invested in nearly half of the folks I’ve listed above through her VC firm Backstage Capital. Be like Arlan.

How My Identity Impacted My Business

[This blog post was originally written for design.blog]

“Is your leadership team still black?”

I will never forget when a venture capitalist asked me this in a meeting. Much had changed since the last time my black co-founder, black CTO and I had connected with this insensitive investor, but certainly not that. I answered in the affirmative and quickly, awkwardly ended the meeting. The firm did not invest. Perhaps it was our business model they didn’t like.

This was one of the most overt, but certainly not the only time, my identity was at the center of an outsider’s analysis of the worth of my company. I started Partpic because I observed a significant pain point that I wanted to solve. While working at an industrial distribution company, I found our customers struggling to describe the parts they wanted to purchase from us. Agents on my team would try their best but often err in trying to help customers locate products. Based on customer feedback, it seemed taking a picture would be a better way to search for items that were not labeled with a part name or number. Partpic was created to solve this problem for everyone. We built a computer vision API that can recognize part images and match them to a specific SKU.

I had no idea how much my identity would play into starting and growing the business. I selected my co-founder without thinking of the optics of two black people at the helm of an early stage tech company. He was one of the smartest people I’d worked with at Google. From Google, he went to work on product marketing at Shazam. I wanted to create “Shazam for Parts”, so I thought he was the perfect fit to help me build something great. Race didn’t come up in my decision, but I often wonder how things would have gone if it had. Perhaps we would have had an easier time fundraising if investors could have seen themselves in us. Maybe more customers would have signed up had we been members of their country clubs. I’ll always wonder.

I watched both my parents run businesses when I was a child. I learned from the hardships they faced in managing staffs, making payrolls, and keeping their customers happy. I also saw how their racial identities impacted their businesses. My father had to clean and rebuild one of our stores after vandals attacked our buildings because they couldn’t stand the idea of a black-owned business prospering in the neighborhood. I watched my mother build an insurance agency despite constant waves of prejudice for over twenty years. She was transferred a book of business from a white male who retired from his agency. Many of his clients refused to be serviced by my mother and were explicitly vocal as to why. The color of her skin was enough to make them take their business elsewhere.

I mention these stories to express my awareness of race and how it can impact business and life. I was not a person who grew up in a “colorblind” world. I was the kid who was constantly made aware of my differentness. Even with the context of my parents’ experiences as entrepreneurs, I was still blindsided by the challenges my identity brought me in my own journey. The awareness process went something like this:

Phase 1 – Surprise: I was surprised people focused more on the makeup of my team than the efficacy of our technology. Questions about our credentials always monopolized meetings, where we expected to deep dive into how we built our training models or acquired images and data. Early on, I was aware that things would be different for us as we built Partpic, but I was hopeful our product and business could overcome the pervasive doubt.

Phase 2 – Bitterness: I became bitter when I compared our experiences to other founders and teams with whom I compared notes. Starting a company is hard for anyone, but I couldn’t help but notice how the hoops we were asked to jump were always higher. I contemplated finding a white male to help fundraise and “front” the business because I felt my identity was holding us back.

Phase 3 – Understanding: At a certain point, I realized that there are macro systems that impact thoughts and behavior. Ava Duvernay’s documentary, 13th, and the election of Donald Trump put my experiences in perspective. Racism is alive and well in the United State of America. The tech industry is par for the course in that way. I understand that now. I have a strong desire to change the system, and I’m working to use myself as an example of what can be when black people create.

Today, I manage a team of 12 engineers, product managers, and quality analysts — 50% of whom are black. We are responsible for making unmarked products searchable with a smartphone camera. Our technology will change commerce forever. The people who use it will likely never know how we look. How ironic.